AZERWING Medium 95
Grow-Shop para cultivar con éxito | Reflectores para el cultivo de marihuana
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AZERWING Medium 95 | Prima Klima
The Prima Klima AZERWING PVD reflector is the latest generation of the popular winged reflectors. The built-in aluminium parts guarantee good heat dissipation of the light source. The U-rail makes the AZERWING reflector very stable. The frame is adjustable not only in height but also in inclination. This is a great advantage with heavy light sources (e.g. energy-saving lamps). As with the well-known Adjust-A-Wing reflector, the reflector material consists of PVD-coated aluminium with a reflection of 95%.
The inclination of the lamp is exactly adjustable by the wing nut.
Synchronous bending (mirror-like) of the reflector plates .
The cable is routed from above, the reflector is finally grounded < 0.1 Ohm.
The heat is dissipated much better.
Centre reflector is interchangeable
Holder in cardboard box complete with reflector.
The price is hot, best quality, unbeatable low.
Reflection factor of 95
Vegagreen PVD coating 220 (fine impact)
Measures: L 55cm x W 72cm
suitable for 250W to 600W lamps
Scope of delivery:
Prima Klima AZERWING Reflector Medium 95% without bulb
E-40 socket