Grow magic mushrooms - how to successfully harvest for the next trip
Grow magic mushrooms - how to successfully harvest for the next trip

Grow magic mushrooms - how to successfully harvest for the next trip

Grow magic mushrooms


  • Table of contents
    • Grow magic mushrooms - how to successfully harvest for your next trip
    • Grow kits - the all-inclusive package for mushroom growers
    • Buying the right magic mushroom grow box
      • No germs
      • Control temperature and humidity
      • Nothing works without light
    • Grow magic mushrooms - these yields are possible
      • Harvesting and drying mushrooms correctly
    • Effect and dosage
    • Summary
    • FAQ
      • What do magic mushrooms taste like?
      • How long are magic mushrooms detectable?
      • How long do magic mushrooms take to grow?
      • Can magic mushrooms become moldy?
      • What substrate for magic mushrooms?
Magic mushrooms are a wonderful, natural way to go on hallucinogenic trips. Availability in nature is highly
dependent on region and season, so there may well be shortages in supply. So cultivating your own mushrooms
is actually an obvious choice. But wait, is that even possible? In fact, growing hallucinogenic mushrooms is
simple and straightforward. There are many different varieties of magic mushrooms, but they all have the active
ingredient psylocibine in common. Psylocibin is the active ingredient that later provides a hallucinogenic effect
when consumed. Below you will find instructions that will help you grow magic mushrooms with confidence.

Grow kits - the all-inclusive package for mushroom growers

There are various methods of growing magic mushrooms, but for the vast majority of users, ready-made growing
kits are the most suitable. Essentially, these consist of a substrate to which the mushroom spores have already
been mixed and a grow box as well as a grow tent or some kind of plastic bag. For the cultivation you add water
and stow the whole thing in the plastic bag so that the moisture can not escape. The moisture will start the fruiting
process. In the following two weeks, the humidity must be kept constant and once a day the air should be changed.

Buying the right magic mushroom grow box

Now you are probably wondering how and where to buy the right Magic Mushrooms kit. At Linda Seeds you can
find a wide selection of mushroom grow kits. The different varieties differ mainly by their psylocibine content and
by their appearance and taste. Popular varieties are Golden Teacher or Mexican. The B+ variety can convince
with an extremely easy cultivation as well as with the good mood that comes to the consumer.
Some of the sets also come in different sizes. The size is ultimately also decisive for what yield can be achieved.
For beginners, we recommend the following grow sets for the reasons mentioned below:


No germs

Kurzanleitung Zauberpilze anbauen

One of the most important requirements for successful cultivation of magic mushrooms is a sterile working environment. Therefore, disposable gloves should always be used when handling the magic mushroom grow box. The hands and work surfaces should also be disinfected before each work step. It is also advisable to wear a mouthguard, as droplets from the mouth can also cause dangerous contamination in the growbox.
Fungi are very sensitive plants. Even the smallest, bacterial contamination can cause the biological climate in the magic mushroom growbox to tip, which can have a negative impact on the harvest.

Control temperature and humidity

Mushrooms generally like it humid and often warm. This is also true for hallucinogenic mushrooms. Exactly how high the ideal temperature is sometimes depends on the variety grown. However, information on this can always be found in the respective instructions. In any case, the temperature should be kept as constant as possible, which can be achieved, for example, by using a thermal or even a heating mat. Choose a place for the cultivation, which is not located at a window, which you open regularly. You should also make sure that the day-night difference in temperature is not large.

Nothing works without light

Even though mushrooms are not plants in the classical sense, they need light to thrive. However, caution is also required here. Too much light can quickly cause the mushrooms to die. Direct sunlight should be avoided at all costs. If you decide to use artificial lighting, make sure that the light intensity is not too high. Information on the recommended light intensity can also be found in the respective manufacturer's description of the cultivation kits.

Growing magic mushrooms - these yields are possible

The question of possible yield  is likely to be an essential aspect for many interested parties. With a grow box for magic mushrooms, a yield of 400-800 grams of fresh magic mushrooms can often be achieved. This corresponds to a dried quantity of 40-80 grams. If one is careful with the cultivation kit, even several cultivation runs (so-called flushes) can be carried out in succession. However, it should be noted that the second and third runs usually give weaker yields than the first run.
Magic mushroom growbox that promise a particularly high harvest:

Blue Meanie Hawaiian

from 39.90 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping


Properly harvest and dry mushrooms

The right time to harvest is not easy to determine, but it is extremely important. The best time to harvest is just before the velum, or membrane on the underside of the mushroom cap, ruptures. This is because spores are released after this time, which can affect any further thrust. However, the right time can vary for each mushroom, so always keep an eye on the whole crop. Laymen harvest best while the velum is still light. If it begins to darken, the time for rupture is not far off.
For harvesting, it is again important to maintain high standards of hygiene. Be sure to use sterile gloves and mouth guards. You can carefully handle the hallucinogenic mushrooms by the stem and then remove them from the substrate by gently twisting them back and forth.
You can then either enjoy the magic mushrooms fresh, or place them on a piece of cardboard or a towel and let them air dry. Make sure that the mushrooms have enough distance from each other and do not touch each other. The mushrooms must be completely dry before you can store them, otherwise they will mold or spoil. This process of drying takes about two to five days. Afterwards, the mushrooms should be stored in a cool, dark and airtight place if possible.

Effect and dosage

Even though you can have a lot of fun with mushrooms and they have many healing properties, you should be careful with the dosage because the quantity of active ingredients is in a mushroom can never be determined exactly beforehand. Therefore, it is better to start with a little, let enough time pass and then take another (small) dose if necessary. In the case of dried mushrooms, the usual dosage is between 0.5 g and 2 g. One way to estimate the dosage a little better is to cut the dried magic mushrooms into small particles and then mix them. In this way, particularly strong mushrooms are better distributed over the entire amount, and in total you will then get an average strength dose. Thanks to the resulting consistency, the mushrooms can also be filled into capsules, making them easier to transport and take. The latter method is also excellent for micro-dosing. Here, only very small doses (< 0.3 g) are taken, which only have a subtle, hardly consciously perceptible effect.
The following magic mushrooms are particularly popular due to their mode of action:

Blue Meanie Hawaiian

from 39.90 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping



As you could see so far, growing Magic Mushrooms is not witchcraft. Make sure to buy the right magic mushroom grow box for you. The right location and proper hygiene are also the most important factors to get a large and healthy harvest. For a successful cultivation you need above all:
  • Growkit for magic mushrooms (contains substrate incl. spores, growbox and plastic bag).
  • Latex gloves (disposable gloves are recommended)
  • Mouth protection (for example a FFP2 mask)
  • Spray bottle
  • Thermal mat (optional)
  • Hygrometer (optional)
If you also take care of regular fresh air supply and the right amount of (indirect) light, you should be able to achieve good results.




What do magic mushrooms taste like?

Magic mushrooms taste reminiscent of other mushrooms. They taste slightly earthy and like the forest. If you don't like the taste, you can make the mushrooms into chocolate or simply chew them together with a piece of chocolate.

How long are magic mushrooms detectable?

In urine, hallucinogenic mushrooms can be detected for about 3-4 days. In the blood it is only 3-6 hours.

How long do magic mushrooms take to grow?

The exact growth time depends, among other things, on the variety used and the growing conditions. As a rule, however, one must reckon with about 2-3 weeks.

Can magic mushrooms mold?

Magic mushrooms can not only mold, but they are even susceptible to mold. However, this happens only if you don't let them dry out properly before storage.

What substrate for magic mushrooms?

The substrate is determined by the mushroom growing set used. As a rule, however, it consists of vermiculite and one part rye or rice flour.