Sativa vs. Indica - how do these two weed types differ?
Sativa vs. Indica - how do these two weed types differ?

Sativa vs. Indica - how do these two weed types differ?


At every coffee shop and seed bank, the different cannabis strains are fundamentally divided into two different types: Sativa and Indica. The purposeful crossbreeding of these two weed species has then resulted in countless hybrid strains that dominate the cannabis market today.

In this article, we will explain how sativa, indica and hybrid differ from each other in terms of appearance and effect, and which of these three types is best suited for growing, depending on your requirements and preferences.

Differences between Sativa and Indica

To get started, let's take a look at the differences between Sativa and Indica weed types in terms of their effects and appearance.

Indica vs. Sativa: visual differences

Sativa and indica plants are visually very different from each other, which is why experienced growers can already judge at a glance which weed species a plant is.

For example, sativas can be easily identified by their slender, tall growth as well as narrow fan leaves. In addition, the green of sativa varieties is generally somewhat lighter. Indica plants, on the other hand, can be identified by their bushy, compact growth, coupled with broad, dark green fan leaves.

Even the buds can be used to determine whether they come from an indica or sativa plant. For example, the buds of indica strains are usually wider and denser, whereas the buds of sativas are more elongated and somewhat fluffier.

Indica vs. Sativa: Effect

It's a common rule of thumb in the cannabis community that weed from sativa plants makes you "high," while consuming indica weed makes you feel "stoned."

By this is meant that sativa strains have a stimulating, euphoric effect on the mind, often accompanied by increased creativity and receptivity. Indica strains, on the other hand, are thought to have a calming and relaxing effect on the body, as well as an increase in appetite.

This is why many consumers prefer sativa strains during the day and only turn to indica weed in the evening, when all the day's tasks have been completed, in order to end the day relaxed on the sofa and finally fall asleep quickly.

These different effects also make Sativa and Indica strains interesting for various therapeutic applications. For example, sativa weed is mainly used to relieve anxiety or mental stress. Indica strains, on the other hand, are said to have a positive effect on sleep problems, loss of appetite, and muscle tension.

If you're looking for your next pure Indica or Sativa strain, get inspired by some of the most popular Indica and Sativa strains from our store:

Collection Pack Sativa Champions, Super Lemon Haze (Sativa) Hindu Kush (Indica) and Hollands Hope (Indica).

Collection Pack Sativa Champions

from 42.50 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Super Lemon Haze

from 3.50 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Hindu Kush

from 14.90 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Hollands Hope

from 21.50 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping


However, opinions are very divided regarding the effect differences between indica and sativa strains. While many long-term users swear that they feel physically relaxed after consuming indica weed, while they experience a dynamic high after smoking sativa strains, there is little clear evidence to support this from a scientific perspective.

There is no doubt that especially the THC-CBD ratio as well as the terpene profile of the respective strain have a significant influence on the characteristics of the effect. And there is also no question that sometimes there are big differences even between pure sativa and indica strains in terms of their effects, and these can also vary from person to person.

The history and benefits of Cannabis Sativa

The hemp species Cannabis Sativa ("common hemp") was first classified in 1753 by Swedish botanist and naturalist Carl von Linné.

As mentioned earlier, Cannabis Sativa plants are visually characterized by a tall, lanky growth habit and can reach a height of over 3 meters in optimal conditions. Because of this enormous size, sativas have the highest average yield per plant of any weed species.

However, the flowering period of the plants is also the longest and growers have to be patient for about 9 to 12 weeks before they can harvest the resinous flowers. As a rule, sativa strains have a very low CBD content, which gives them a stronger psychoactive effect than indicas.

Sativa strains grow best in hot and dry climates, which is why they are mainly grown outdoors in Africa, Central America and Southeast Asia. But even here in Germany, sativa strains can grow excellently outdoors, as long as they are exposed to a lot of direct sunlight. However, an early onset of winter or a mild summer may prevent sativa plants from reaching their full potential, resulting in a smaller harvest and less potent weed.

If you're looking for high-yielding plants when growing cannabis and have either a large grow room or an outdoor space with high sun exposure, sativa strains are the perfect choice for you.

In this case, we've compiled a top 10 list of our best sativa strains to inspire your choice. In our store you will also find a lot of other feminized cannabis seeds from particularly potent and high-yielding Sativa strains. With the sativa strains Lemon Drizzle, Strawberry Amnesia, Rucu Cucu OG and Thunder Banana, you can optimally harvest over 650 grams per plant and enjoy resinous buds with a particularly high THC content of more than 20%.

Lemon Drizzle

from 9.90 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Rucu Cucu OG

from 15.50 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Thunder Banana

from 12.90 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping


The history and benefits of Cannabis Indica

In 1785, French biologist Jean Baptiste de Lamarck discovered another species of hemp in India that was very different from the well-known Cannabis Sativa. This second species was then christened Cannabis Indica ("Indian hemp"). Indica plants have adapted to climates in harsh, arid areas and are native to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey in addition to India.

The bushy, compact structure of the plants results in a significantly lower maximum height than sativas. Thus, Indica strains only extremely rarely exceed 2 meters in height and usually reach a height of between 60 and 110 cm when grown indoors.

Another remarkable characteristic is the comparatively short flowering period of only 6 to 9 weeks.

These two factors make Indica strains especially interesting for indoor growers who prefer smaller, wide plants and want to harvest as quickly as possible. However, when growing outdoors, the shorter flowering time is also beneficial, as you won't have to worry about an early onset of winter reducing your yield.

We also have a large selection of feminized seeds for indica strains in our store. Among our absolute bestsellers are Biscotti Mintz, Lemon Kush, Zkittlez and Purple Punch.

Biscotti Mintz

from 3.50 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Lemon Kush

from 11.90 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping


from 3.50 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Purple Punch

from 11.50 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping


These are the advantages of Indica-Sativa hybrids

A sativa-indica hybrid is a strain that is the result of crossing both types of weed. The appearance and effect of hybrids depends on their genetics, that is, their parent strains. Therefore, hybrids have the greatest variety in terms of appearance and effect. As a rule, a sativa-inica hybrid contains information about the indica-sativa ratio, which allows at least rough conclusions about the characteristics of the effect and the growth.

Usually, the goal of sativa-indica hybrid breeding is to combine the positive characteristics of two or more cannabis strains in a new strain. For example, the high yield of a sativa plant can be combined with the shortened flowering phase of an indica strain.

In our store you will find a wide selection of feminized hybrid seeds that combine the best features of their parent strains and promise particularly good results.

And what is it about Cannabis Ruderalis?

Besides Sativa and Indica, there is a third rather unknown weed species, the so-called Cannabis Ruderalis ("Ruderal Hemp"), which was first classified in 1926 by the Russian botanist Dmitrij E. Janischwesky. In addition to Russia, ruderalis plants also grow in the wilds of Central Europe and Central Asia.

However, Cannabis Ruderalis contains hardly any psychoactive substances and has an extremely low THC content of less than 3%. Nevertheless, what makes this species interesting is that it is a natural autoflower. This means that regardless of the light cycle, it will automatically start flowering after a growth period of 21 to 30 days. So, to breed potent autoflower strains, Cannabis Ruderalis is crossed with an indica, sativa or hybrid strain.

Such autoflower strains are the fastest and easiest way to grow your own weed. Thus, it takes only 8 to 12 weeks from germination to harvest. However, autoflowers do not grow very tall and have a lower yield than photoperiod strains.

The most popular Autoflower seeds in our range include Auto Fat Blueberry, Auto Critical +, Auto Purple Kush and Auto White Widow.

Auto Fat Blueberry

from 22.50 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Auto Critical +

from 12.50 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Auto Purple Kush

from 2.90 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Auto White Widow

from 2.90 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping


Conclusion: Cannabis Indica vs. Cannabis Sativa

Indica and Sativa strains can be visually distinguished by distinct characteristics such as the growth, leaf structure, and density and shape of the buds. In addition, the yield per plant and the duration of the flowering phase also differ between indica and sativa varieties.

Indica plants need on average 3 weeks less time to be ready for harvest, while sativas can usually produce a higher yield per plant due to their larger growth. Therefore, the decision whether to grow indica or sativa weed should be based on the characteristic differences between these weed types as well as your personal preferences and requirements. Hybrid strains often combine the benefits of both weed types and are therefore of particular interest to many growers.

When it comes to effect, many consumers swear that they can clearly distinguish sativa from indica. From a scientific point of view, however, the focus is less on the type of weed than on the exact chemical composition of the respective strain.

Sativa vs. Indica: Frequently asked questions

Finally, we answer the most frequently asked questions about sativa vs. indica:

Which is better - indica or sativa?

This question cannot be answered in a general way. This is because sativa and indica strains have different characteristic features that make them more or less suitable for a grower's intentions, depending on his preferences and requirements. For example, sativas are characterized by tall plants that can have a huge yield of more than 800 grams per piece in some cases. The harvest is usually a bit smaller with the more compact indica varieties, but their buds are ready for harvest after a flowering period of about 6 to 9 weeks, while it can take up to 12 weeks with sativas.

What makes tired - Indica or Sativa?

Indica weed is said to have a relaxing effect that makes you tired after a while. However, from a scientific point of view, the effect depends mostly on the chemical composition of the plant, or its flowers, and not on its type.

What makes more high - Indica or Sativa?

In the cannabis community, the word "high" is used in the context of the cerebral intoxication induced by sativa strains. In contrast, the high from indica weed, where the body feels heavy and relaxed, is usually referred to as "stoned." The intensity of the effect is fundamentally dependent on the THC content of the strain in question.

How does Indica vs. Sativa vs. Hybrid work?

Indica weed is said to have a sedating, relaxing effect that is mainly felt physically. In contrast, many users report feeling euphoric and energized after smoking sativa strains. No such sweeping generalizations can be made about hybrid strains in terms of their effects. However, many people report that hybrids combine the effects of both weed types, i.e. a stimulated state of mind as well as a relaxed body feeling.