Cannabis Seeds for Beginners - The easiest cannabis strains to grow for beginners.
Cannabis Seeds for Beginners - The easiest cannabis strains to grow for beginners.

Cannabis Seeds for Beginners - The easiest cannabis strains to grow for beginners.

Table of Contents


  • The best cannabis seeds for beginners
    • What are the best cannabis seeds for beginners? - The Linda Seeds Top 4 Automatic Strains
    • Sativa or Indica - which cannabis strain plays more into the hands of beginners?
      • Growth characteristics Cannabis Sativa:
      • Cannabis Indica Growth Characteristics
    • Indoor cannabis seeds for beginners
      • The advantages of indoor growing for beginners:
      • Possible disadvantages of indoor growing for beginners
    • Outdoor cannabis seeds for beginners
      • The advantages of outdoor growing for beginners
      • The disadvantages of outdoor growing for beginners
    • Cannabis seeds with moderate THC levels for beginner consumers
    • The most frequently asked questions from beginners
      • How many hemp seeds should beginners start with?
      • How do I use cannabis seeds?
      • What is autoflowering?
    • Summary
With cannabis seeds for beginners, you can finally fulfill your dream of growing your own weed in a simple and straightforward way. Growing your own cannabis is easier than you think and offers countless benefits. Home growing means being able to choose your own strain. You know exactly what you are growing and what you will consume later, without having to pay extortionate prices. In this article, we'll introduce you to the best cannabis seeds for beginners, without compromising on potency and yield, and give tips on how to make your first home growing project a complete success, even without experience.
If you are looking for the perfect cannabis seeds for beginners, you will come across thousands of different strains. The choice is huge and can be overwhelming, especially if you don't really know what matters and which strain suits your conditions. Let's shed some light on what criteria cannabis seeds for beginners should meet:
  1. High quality genetics for robust growth that are forgiving of beginner mistakes.
  2. Short life cycle or flowering time for quick results
  3. Feminized seeds (for guaranteed female plants)
  4. Uncomplicated cultivation
  5. High-yielding cannabis seeds with desired THC content and flavor


What are the best cannabis seeds for beginners? - The Linda Seeds Top 4 Automatic Strains

The life of any cannabis plant proceeds in two phases. The vegetative growth phase and the flowering phase. There are photoperiod strains that need an external stimulus (change in light cycle) to initiate flowering and there are autoflower strains that start flowering on their own (automatically) after a certain period of time.
Autoflowering cannabis seeds meet all the above criteria and due to their genetics are excellent for home growing for beginners, whether indoor or outdoor. Your Autoflower genes you have from the Cannabis Ruderalis family, a cannabis variety from Eastern Europe and Central Asia, which has adapted to cold environmental conditions and short summers. That's why she is particularly hardy and takes only 8-10 weeks from germination to harvest. Its entire life cycle lasts about the same as the flowering phase of a photoperiod plant.
Since the life cycle of an autoflower is so short, you will be rewarded with great buds quickly after starting your project. You don't have to worry about a complicated light schedule, it always stays the same indoors: 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness. Automatic Strains are also discreet and space-saving with 60 - 100 cm height.
Autoflower cannabis seeds with pure ruderalis genetics would produce little yield, which is why only hybrid seeds, with a combination of ruderalis, sativa and indica genetics, are bred. There is a huge selection of fantastic autoflowering cannabis seeds for beginners, with the THC content and flavor of your choice, that produce substantial yields and are uncomplicated to grow. For the above reasons, we recommend the following automatic strains for inexperienced growers:

Auto Gelato Glue

from 3.50 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Auto Hyperion F1

from 14.50 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping


Sativa or Indica - which cannabis strain plays more into the hands of beginners?

The photoperiod cannabis strains Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica share similar genetics, but differ greatly in their spectrum of effects and growth. While pure sativa strains are known for their euphoric and stimulating head high, indica strains have a sedative effect that reduces anxiety and relaxes muscles, among other things. Since effect preferences are individual, we will discuss the differences in growth and why the attributes of indica-dominant cannabis seeds benefit beginners in the remainder of this article.

Cannabis Sativa Growth Characteristics:

  • Long, narrow leaves → require a lot of light
  • Long growth and flowering phase → Late harvest, outdoor grow only possible in warm regions
  • Tall, narrow, delicate plant → needs a lot of space
  • Airy buds → less susceptible to mold
  • Requires constant high temperatures


Growth characteristics Cannabis Indica:

  • Wide, dark leaves → absorb more light
  • Compact, stocky "Christmas tree" structure → easy to maintain, need little space
  • Dense, heavy flowers → more susceptible to mold
  • Insensitive to temperature fluctuations → outdoor grow possible in northern hemisphere countries with variable summers
  • Short flowering phase → harvest before onset of winter, when grown outdoors in northern hemisphere
  • Hardy and robust plant → forgiving of mistakes.
To take advantage of the best features of both cannabis strains, breeders cross them together to generate hybrid varieties, with different proportions of sativa and indica genes. So you can choose between indica-dominant, sativa-dominant or 50/50 hybrids.
Indica-dominant cannabis strains are defined by their uncomplicated growth that is forgiving of beginner mistakes and resistant to stress, yet intense and balanced. We recommend the following photoperiod indica-dominant cannabis seeds to beginners for a successful first home grow:

Afghan Skunk

from 2.90 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping


from 21.90 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Gorilla Cookies

from 2.90 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping


Indoor cannabis seeds for beginners

Indoor growing can help beginners achieve guaranteed high yields without much effort and prior knowledge. This is because when growing cannabis indoors, you provide the optimal growing environment for the selected cannabis seeds in a designated growing space with the help of accessories (thermometer, hygrometer, lights, fan, etc.).

The advantages of indoor growing for beginners:

  • Control over growing environment (temperature, humidity, light, etc.)
  • Year-round harvests possible
  • Fewer pests
  • Weather independent
  • Private and discreet growing


Possible disadvantages of indoor growing for beginners:

  • Odor during flowering (solution: activated carbon filter in the flowering system)
  • Space (if you have limited space)
  • Investment for basic accessories (lamp, timer, thermometer, etc.)
You are free to choose the growing space according to your requirements and the space you have available. Indoor growing works just as well in a grow box as in a grow tent or a storage room. The important thing is that you can determine the growing conditions in the chosen grow room yourself and that the cannabis seeds also suit your growing situation.
Since space is a limiting factor for most beginners, we recommend indica-dominant cannabis seeds for indoor growing to inexperienced growers. Due to their short flowering times, resilience and compact structure, indica-dominant strains are easier to control.
With indica-dominant automatic strains, indoor cultivation becomes even easier, as they usually produce even smaller plants, deliver even faster results and do not require a change in lighting schedule to initiate flowering. Therefore, we recommend the following indica-dominant automatic strains to beginners who want to grow indoor cannabis for the first time:

Auto Wedding Cake

from 3.50 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Zkittlez Auto

from 3.50 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Auto Kmintz

from 17.50 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping


Outdoor cannabis seeds for beginners

Outdoor cannabis growing is characterized by the fact that under ideal conditions (good weather, no pests, etc.) you can exploit the full potential of your cannabis plant and thus harvest top yields - often many times what you would harvest with the same strain indoors. But what requirements do you need for this and which cannabis seeds are suitable for outdoor growing for beginners?
Whether you want to grow on your balcony, rooftop, patio or in your private garden, your outdoor growing location should meet the following criteria:
  • As many hours of sunlight as possible (ideally, a south-facing growing location with 6 - 8 hours of sunlight daily).
  • Moderate temperatures (not below 12 degrees, not above 30 degrees)
  • Enough space in height and width (so that plant can reach its full potential)
  • Protection from extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rain, hail or heat waves (ability to install a shelter in case of emergency is sufficient)


The benefits of outdoor growing for beginners:

  • Higher yields (due to longer growth and larger plants).
  • More space
  • Free sunlight and rainwater
  • Always fresh air and natural ventilation
  • No need to change lighting schedule to initiate flowering
  • Fun way to care for plants outdoors in the summer


The disadvantages of outdoor growing for beginners:

  • Little control over growing environment (temperature, humidity, etc.)
  • More pests and animals in direct environment
  • Little privacy (if plot/ balcony/ patio can be seen from outside).
Choosing the right cannabis seeds for your outdoor grow depends on your growing conditions. Ask yourself the following questions:
  • "How long is the growing season in my region?"
  • "How much space do I have available?"
  • "What do I want my yield to be?"
  • "What effect do I want?"
Do you want to grow as quickly and discreetly as possible and have limited space available? Then outdoor grow autoflowering cannabis seeds for beginners are ideal for you too.
If you have enough space, no time pressure and want to harvest as much weed as possible, we recommend photoperiod hybrids. If you live in the northern hemisphere with short summers, photoperiod cannabis seeds with a short flowering time (6 - 8 weeks) that are ready for harvest outdoors at the end of September at the latest are of particular interest to you. We recommend beginners in outdoor growing the following photoperiod cannabis seeds, which are easy to grow and provide XXL yields:

Frisian Dew

from 33.50 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Easy Sativa

from 19.90 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Early Top Skunk

from 30.00 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Critical+ 2.0

from 2.90 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping


Hemp seeds with moderate THC levels for novice consumers.

If you are a beginner cannabis grower and not really familiar with cannabis use or haven't used it for a while, cannabis seeds with moderate THC levels of 10-15% may be the right choice for you. They produce a mild and pleasant high that allows you to approach slowly and perceive how you react to THC without pressure. Without fear of overexertion, you can relax and explore whether you prefer the effects of sativa- or indica-dominant strains.
Cannabis with an extremely high THC content is not automatically better, it rather depends on what effect you are aiming for. If you've never used cannabis before, the effects of high potency cannabis strains (THC levels over 20%) can be overwhelming and send you on an inter-dimensional journey you weren't prepared for. Mild weed is also suitable for seasoned users who are looking for a strain for daily use and situations where they want to stay focused and productive.
When it comes to cultivation, moderate THC cannabis seeds are no different from other strains. Whether photoperiod, autoflowering, sativa or indica dominant, mild cannabis seeds are offered for every genetics. Here you will find our cannabis seed recommendations with moderate THC content, making home growing a breeze for beginners:


The most frequently asked questions from beginners


How many cannabis seeds should beginners start with?

Successful germination of cannabis seeds is a prerequisite for the development of healthy plants. There are different methods for this with varying success rates. So it is not guaranteed that all cannabis seeds will always germinate. Buy 1 to 2 cannabis seeds more than you want to grow plants. Start with 3 to 5 cannabis seeds to keep the number of cannabis plants manageable and easy to maintain.

How do I plant cannabis seeds?

In order for cannabis seeds to germinate, they need moisture and a room temperature of 22 ° - 25 °C. One of the most common germination methods is the kitchen towel method. You moisten a kitchen towel, place your cannabis seeds on it a few centimeters apart and place another moistened kitchen towel over it. It is important that they are damp and not wet. Within 12 - 48 hours, a white root tip should sprout from the seeds. Once the root tip is 2 - 3 mm long, you can carefully place the seedling in a pot with soil, in a hole 1 - 1.5 cm deep. Provide moisture and sufficient lighting for the germinated seed to grow. The less you touch the cannabis seeds, the higher the chances of germination.

What is autoflowering?

Autoflowering describes cannabis strains that initiate flowering on their own, based only on plant age. It needs no external stimulus, such as a change in exposure schedule to initiate flowering. Autoflowering cannabis seeds do this automatically and are therefore particularly straightforward to grow.


In summary, cannabis seeds for beginners are cannabis seeds that are hardy, uncomplicated to grow, and produce high yields of delicious flowers despite possible novice cultivation mistakes. Basically, indica-dominant cannabis seeds are easier to grow than sativa-dominant cannabis seeds.
Autoflowering strains are even easier and, above all, faster to grow. Which cannabis seeds you choose in the end depends mainly on your own conditions, growing situation and wishes. Just try it out and become a grower, then you may be able to admire and enjoy your first own cannabis flowers in 10 weeks.

Easy Bud

from 6.50 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Dance World

from 6.50 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

BCN Diesel CBD

from 5.90 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Pamir Gold

from 11.50 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping