

Magic Mushrooms

    5/5 (10)


Magic Mushrooms / Psilocybin mushroom

Magic Mushrooms

    5/5 (10)


Growth Area
warm outdoor climate,
temperate outdoor climate,
cool outdoor climate

Colombian | Magic Mushrooms


Colombian magic mushroom grow kit


Grow Psilocybe Cubensis at home: This grow kit will make it happen!
When it comes to psychoactive and hallucinogenic shrooms, Colombian Psilocybe Cubensis is the way to go. There is a reason for this: the thick and tall magic mushroom has a very high level of psychoactive substances. Between 0.5 and 0.9% psilocybin and psilocin are contained in each mushroom, which promises a very intense hallucinogenic effect. When ingested, the serotonin system in the brain is activated. This results in an altered sense of time, hallucinations, and for some users, spiritual experiences. The Colombian shroom in addition, it is known for the fact that only very few users report to have experienced feelings of fear and have made all the more "social" experiences. In this respect, it is definitely a beginner's mushroom for inexperienced psychonauts. Nevertheless, the rule always applies: The dosage makes the poison. Thus, the slow approach is the most important thing to have fun! The magic mushroom can be easily grown and harvested at home, even without prior knowledge. With the right kit, the first magic mushrooms are ready for cutting after only 15 days and can then be used to the concentration of hallucinogenic substances for an intoxicating and magical trip: From euphoric laughter flashes to particularly creative thought processes, everything is possible with this mushroom.
Psilocybe Cubensis need the optimal warmth and humidity to grow
Basically, magic mushrooms are very easy to grow, even by non-professionals - provided the conditions are right. The shrooms need a humidity of 60 to 80% and a temperature between 23 and 25 degrees. These factors are very important for the growth of the shrooms and thus also for the harvest result. Especially in the first week, it is essential to keep humidity and temperature stable. If this is the case, a growbox of 1200 ml can provide three flushes with up to 400 g yield.
The way the Mushroom Grow Kit works at home
You should only ever handle the Shroom grow kit with clean hands. In the enclosed plastic bag you fill about 0.2 - 0.3 l of water (it is best to use still mineral water here). Then you put the container containing the spores and granules into the bag filled with water and open it. Keep the lid for future flushes. You carefully spray the opened set with also still mineral water. Then you close the bag with tape or several paper clips and put it in a place with a constant temperature of 23 - 25 degrees. Once a day you should open the bag briefly so that fresh air can get in. After about two weeks you can harvest the first mushrooms.
What do you need in addition to the Colombian?
The Magic Mushroom grow kit includes a grow box containing the cake, i.e. the active mycelium on a suitable substrate, and a grow bag with an integrated microfilter. For a successful mushroom harvest you will also need still mineral water, a spray bottle, a mouth guard, latex gloves, disinfectant for hands and surfaces and a thermometer. If you are unable to keep the room temperature consistently within the required range, you should also keep a heat mat on hand.
Shrooms need light - but be careful: direct sunlight is harmful!
For the best and healthiest growth, all shrooms need light. At this point, artificial/fluorescent light is ideal. Indirect sunlight can also be used. A few hours a day is enough to grow Psilocybe Cubensis in the growkit. However, you must avoid direct sunlight in any case: This will destroy the magic mushroom and make you dispose of the kit. A place in the sun should therefore be absolutely taboo for your magic mushrooms.
Moisturize the Cake daily
After you have prepared and sealed the kit as described above, you need to spray it daily starting the following day. To do this, open the bag at one corner and spray the still water onto the granules (dampen, do not drown!). Immediately after spraying, close the bag as usual and repeat this procedure the next day. In this way you will provide the growing not only with moisture, but also with oxygen. Be sure to keep the windows closed when opening the bag and wear gloves and a mouth guard to prevent contamination of the cake.
When will the first results show?
This grow kit is a natural product. This means that it is not possible to predict exactly when the first results will be seen. However, experience shows that the first successes will be seen after approximately six to 15 days. Under certain circumstances, however, it may take a little longer: Do you then still have some patience and continue with daily spraying until the shrooms begin to grow.
Harvesting: Pick only ripe mushrooms with a delicate touch
The magic mushrooms grown here have a clearly visible veil located between the cap and the stem. The perfect time to harvest is right after this veil has been torn off. You should then pick the shrooms as soon as possible. It is important that you disinfect your hands beforehand and wear gloves. With your thumb and forefinger, grasp the mushroom at the base and gently twist it until it comes loose and you can remove it. Do not pull the shrooms out by force, this will damage de cake!
One grow kit makes several flushes
Magic mushrooms grow in groups called flushes. With a single kit you can grow several flushes. The first two turn out to be the largest; however, more flushes are often possible. Once you have harvested the first flush, water the granules with still mineral water until there is about an inch of water at the bottom of the box. Then put the sealed kit in the refrigerator. After two hours, take it out and pour off the water. After that, you can start another flush as described above.
When do I have to dispose of the grow kit?
If you have harvested two or more flushes and no new mushrooms come up within a period of three weeks, it is time to dispose of the magic mushroom grow kit. This also applies if the granules change color and turn red, green or yellow, for example. In these cases, the kit has been contaminated and is no longer suitable for mushroom cultivation.
Colombian magic mushroom, shroom - growing guide
Colombian - these are psychoactive magic mushrooms


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