

Magic Mushrooms

    5/5 (1)


Magic Mushrooms / Psilocybin mushroom

Magic Mushrooms

    5/5 (1)


Growth Area
warm outdoor climate,
temperate outdoor climate,
cool outdoor climate

B+ | Magic Mushrooms


Mushroom Growkit B+


B+ Magic Mushroom Grow Kit
Magic Mushroom B+ from the genus Psilocybe cubensis convinces with its easy cultivation and very positive effects. Its hallucinogens cause mild to average trip effects. Connoisseurs appreciate it especially for stimulating creativity and triggering feelings of happiness. The acronym B+ stands for "Be positive" and reflects the almost exclusively good experiences with this mushroom strain.
Growkit B+ - a guarantee for a good harvest
The grow kit B+ is one of the most resistant grow kits on the market. It is said that it has already happened that people have disposed of the exhausted substrate in the garden, only to find fresh mushrooms of the strain Cubensis in the same place a year later.
Growing Psilocybe cubensis - it works best in these conditions
The shrooms thrive optimally at temperatures between 23 and 25 °C and grow up to 35 cm. It is important not to let the temperatures drop below 18 °C and not to let them rise above 26 °C. Humidity should be 60 to 80 percent. In winter or in colder regions, it is recommended to use a thermal mat.
First harvest after eight to 15 days
The first psychoactive mushrooms are ready for harvest after about one to two weeks. A growbox will yield at least four flushes, with the first two being the most productive. Especially if you have no experience with growing mushrooms, the B+ is a great way to get started.
Quick guide to growing shrooms:
Using a grow kit is as simple as can be. It is important to work very cleanly so that the mycelium is not contaminated with bacteria. Clean everything the box might come in contact with with alcohol and wash and disinfect your hands. In addition to sterile gloves, it is recommended to use a mouth guard to prevent microorganisms from entering the grow box through your breath.
Once the preparations are made, proceed as follows:
  • Take the enclosed plastic bag (growbag) out of the cardboard packaging and fill it with about 200 to 300 ml of lukewarm water. It is best to use still bottled water, not tap water. The water should then stand approx. 1 cm in the bag.
  • Place the grow kit with the granules and the spores in the bag. Only then open the plastic container. 
  • Spray the surface of the granules with still mineral water.
  • Close the upper end of the plastic bag airtight with tape or two or three paper clips, so that sufficient humidity can build up inside.
  • Place the whole thing in a constantly warm place with 23 to 25 °C.
  • Open the bag once a day to let fresh air in and humidify the grow kit as needed. Spray the water directly on the substrate and on the sides of the plastic bag. 
  • After one to two weeks you can harvest the first B+ magic mushrooms.
B+ magic mushrooms harvest
Mushrooms are ripe as soon as the veil between the mushroom stem and the cap is torn off. Harvesting should be done not earlier, but not much later either. Also use sterile gloves and/or thoroughly wash and disinfect your hands and forearms when doing this. Harvest only the ripe magic mushrooms and give the others some time to develop. Pulling out the shrooms could damage the mycelium and cause your grow to die. Therefore, carefully remove the mushrooms by grasping each one at the base with your thumb and forefinger and slowly twisting until they come loose.
Mushrooms growing sideways
If magic mushrooms grow between the substrate and the inner walls of the plastic container, you do not need to do anything else. It will not harm your cultivation. On the contrary, removing this "wild growth" risks injuring the mycelium and thus endangering the growth of future mushrooms. If you want to avoid side-growing shrooms, you should cover the outside of the grow box with aluminum foil right at the beginning and protect it from light in this way.
You can harvest side-growing shrooms in the following way:
  • Take the box out of the grow bag.
  • Gently shake it upside down until the substrate falls into your hand.
  • Place the container on a disinfected surface to free up one hand.
  • Harvest the mushrooms from the sides of the substrate and then return it to the grow box.
Be sure to work with gloves during this process to avoid contamination with germs.
Spores on the magic mushrooms
If you wait too long before harvesting, the mushrooms may shed spores. This can be seen by a black layer that covers the regrowing mushrooms, the substrate and the inside of the grow bag. This will not affect your health or the trip. Thus, it is not necessary to wash off the spores.
Drying and storing magic mushrooms
If magic mushrooms are stored improperly, they will spoil quickly. And once they are bad, they are no longer usable. Like conventional edible mushrooms, B+ will last a maximum of three to five days at normal temperatures. In the refrigerator, this magic mushroom will last up to a month. Simply place the fresh shrooms in a small paper bag and stow them in the crisper. The temperature should not exceed 4 °C. You can significantly extend the shelf life of mushrooms by drying them. The simplest method is to put your mushroom harvest on a clean plate, cover it with a dark cloth and place it on the windowsill in the sun. The downside to this is that you have no control over the temperature. If the mushrooms get too hot, they will lose their potential.
Alternatively, you can place the plate in front of a fan running on low. However, you will not always get the shrooms bone dry this way. Especially in humid environments (humidity above 55%), some residual moisture will remain. Safer than air drying is the use of an automatic dehydrator. This uses a gentle heat source and a steady flow of air to gradually remove the moisture. If you set the temperature to a maximum of 40 °C, the magic mushrooms will dry gently without losing their potential. Similarly, you can place the pre-dried shrooms in a tightly sealed container for some time along with a drying agent (such as silica gel). No matter which method you use: It is important to pack the mushrooms airtight afterwards so that they do not become moist again. Canning jars and curing jars such as tightvacs or CVaults work very well. Vacuum packing is also possible. In a dark, cool place, dried shrooms will last at least a year.
B+ magic mushroom, shroom - growing guide
B+ - these are psychoactive magic mushrooms


by justas a.

Date Added: 11 August, 2023

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