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Pests and diseases
Gray mold rot

Gray mold rot



Another "classic" among cannabis growers. Gray mold rot - or simply gray mold or gray rot - is a plant disease that is caused by the mold Botrytis cinerea. What is particularly common about gray mold rot is that it mainly focuses on the cannabis flowers and acts from the inside out.




The flowers are attacked from the inside and literally rot. That's not how you get marijuana. The damage is usually great, as it is often only discovered when the gray mold rot has already caused a lot. Also, only large-scale pruning or even removing entire hemp plants helps, which can result in severe crop losses.




At first it is not easy to spot gray mold rot, as it begins inside the hemp flowers. The buds will take on various brownish-gray tones until they have fought their way to the outside, which at the latest will reveal the rot. The flowers then already look such that hardly anyone would even think of consuming them.%%umbruch%%prophylaxis


The best prevention against Botrytis cinerea consists in good general care of the plants and plants as well as taking all hygienic measures to keep everything in good condition. If the temperature, humidity and air conditions are kept in optimal condition, the risk to the weed should be quite low.




The removal of gray mold rot is unpleasant, because it only helps to cut away the affected areas over a large area - in case of doubt, even entire cannabis plants have to be lost. The consumption of such poisoned marijuana should not be considered under any circumstances.

The enemy called Fusarium

The enemy called Fusarium



Under the name Fusarium, a genus of the hose fungus is designated, which affects both young and adult plants and can even theoretically pass to humans. Some subspecies that cause so-called stem and cob rot are also feared by the industrial agricultural sector.




As a rule, the stalks of young hemp plants that have only just grown from the hemp seeds are attacked, causing them to fall over and thus no longer to be saved. When growing indoors, there is little need to worry about Fusarium damage, as Fusarium is found in the absolute majority of cases in outdoor cultivation.




The plant stem just above the ground will begin to brown and rot. If you notice this, it is actually too late, as there is no longer any way to save such an infected hemp plant. In fully grown plants, rust-brown spots appear on the leaves and stems and the affected parts of the plant then wither.%%umbruch%%prophylaxis


There are not all too many possibilities of prophylaxis. A soil enriched with Trichoderma mushrooms could help stop Fusarium. If you have already had a Fusarium infestation, it is essential to completely dispose of the soil in which the cannabis concerned stood, otherwise the risk of re-infection is too great.




If young hemp plants are affected, there is no chance - a rescue is not possible. Adult specimens could be tried with systemic fungicides. Of course, this is also not the best choice and you have to make sure that the protection period of the fungicide is observed.

Spider mites

Spider mites



The spider mites, usually no more than half a millimeter in size, do not have their name wrongly, as they are related to the spiders and they belong to the mites. The two most common spider mite species found in cannabis cultivation are the common spider mite and the fruit tree spider mite, also known as the red spider.




Spider mites are sucking pests that deprive cannabis plants of their juice and thus their energy. This leads to impaired growth. Spider mites are mostly concentrated on leaves. Larger populations weave fine and firm nets. They can also transmit other plant diseases.




The first signs of spider mites, which usually move on the underside of the leaves, are bright spots on the leaves. Spider mites usually attack the leaves in the lower area first. Their colors can vary, but they are easily distinguished from other troublemakers by their eight legs. Their networks can also help identify them.%%umbruch%%prophylaxis


A very effective and popular oil against spider mites is neem oil, which can also be used against other sucking pests. When growing cannabis indoors, all air openings can be fitted with fine filters. It also helps to wear different clothing in the grow room than outside. In addition to the hemp plants, you could also create a place for insectivores, for example tall grass.




The earlier you discover spider mites, the better it is for the marijuana. Your own biological agent can be made with cinnamon and cloves. If possible, you should increase the humidity in the grow room. You can use the natural enemies of the spider mites, such as ladybugs, lacewings or the predatory mite. If you want to rely on organic products, those from Neudorff are again recommended. In the event of the most catastrophic infestation, the only thing left is advice in the specialist shop regarding the choice of chemical club.