SexBud seeds by Female Seeds
Feminized Cannabis Seeds | Sativa | THC content 15-20% | High yield
5/5 (3)
warm outdoor climate,
temperate outdoor climate
SexBud | Female Seeds
SexBud cannabis seeds by Female Seeds are a further development of a very fruity sativa that is classified as a “white” variety due to its extreme resin content. Sex Bud has an absolutely invigorating and stimulating effect, and is excellent for loosening up a little - SexBud has a sexually stimulating effect. When you smoke Sex Bud, your inhibitions fall away.
There are no limits to your creativity. Your senses and your attention are sharpened. Smoke SexBud to have an extraordinary sexual experience with your partner, break new ground and try out unusual things. SexBud offers you the opportunity to broaden your horizons.
Give it a try! Sex Bud flowers in 7-8 weeks, the flowers are sugared with resin. Grown from seed, you can initiate flowering after just 2 weeks, so the plant is ready to harvest after 10 weeks.
Yield of the SexBud
Indoor yield - up to 500g/m²
Outdoor yield - up to 600g/plant
Date Added: 13 May, 2020З>
of 5 stars!
Einer der besten reichenden sorten die es gibt die harz produktion ist einfsch nur krank
Date Added: 06 August, 2018З>
of 5 stars!
biggest leaves and buds, the leaves are thick and strong. SexBud Rocks!
Date Added: 22 July, 2017З>
of 5 stars!
Danke Linda für den guten Tipp. Sexbud hält was es verspricht ;)))