
Easy Sativa seeds by Female Seeds

Female Seeds

    5/5 (2)

Easy Sativa seeds by Female Seeds

Cannabis seeds recommendations | TOP 10 Outdoor Strains

Female Seeds

    5/5 (2)


Flowering Time
6 - 8 weeks
medium ▷▷▷ average stretch
mostly sativa
Seed Type
photoperiod, feminized
large ▷▷▷ 500 - 600g per m²
Growth Area
warm outdoor climate,
temperate outdoor climate,
cool outdoor climate
THC Level
Sativa x Ruderalis
19.90 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Easy Sativa | Female Seeds


The Easy Sativa strain perfectly embodies Female Seeds' motto. This cannabis strain is exceptionally easy and uncomplicated to grow, whether indoors or especially outdoors. We even consider it the perfect cannabis strain for those who want to practice outdoor growing for the first time. No nitpicking of any kind to be paid attention to. No, Easy Sativa is indeed "as easy" as the name promises.
Easy Sativa - very suitable outdoors in cooler regions
The seed was specifically developed for outdoor growers and can reach a stately growth height of up to 3 meters, with her typical Sativa fan leaves; long and slender, narrow and serrated leaves. Due to its open bud structure, the plant is enormously resistant to mold. She does very well outdoors and that too in more northern planting regions.
Its buds are large and very heavy and covered with potent resin. When it comes to flavor, expect some variation in one phenotype or another. Some plants produce spicy rather than sweet results. Other buds are predominantly sweet. The appearance of the plant is that of a pure landrace sativa, with a Christmas tree-like shape. Most cannabis plants flower under 18 hours of light and begin flowering in mid-July, rewarding you with a massive amount of large buds in September.
The best time to sow them is mid-April to mid-May. We would not recommend preplanting them indoors as they are semi-autoflowering and this would cause them to start flowering outside in May. However, Easy Sativa needs the longer days and intense high summer sun to reach its full potential!
The smell is herbaceous with notes of pine, mint and citrus. The taste is sweet, honeyed now and then but also spicy, as said.
The effect is decidedly cerebral and clearly shows its pure sativa properties, so look forward to happy and inspiring highs. The weed of the Easy Sativa strain can be enjoyed relaxed throughout the day, as it does not make you tired, but has a long-lasting effect that starts slowly and comes back in waves.


Yield indoor cultivation 350-450 g/m²
Yield outdoor cultivation 400-750 g/plant


by Andreas H.

Date Added: 19 October, 2024

of 5 stars!

Perfekt für Outdoor geeignet. Schnelle Blüte, riesige Pflanzen und sehr hoher Ertrag. Dazu sehr potent. Einfach eine geniale Sorte.

by Jante R.

Date Added: 16 March, 2022

of 5 stars!

Hab letztes Jahr ein wahres Monster im Garten gehabt und im September geerntet! Mach ich dieses Jahr wieder. Für Outdoor absolut gut.

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