
Gorilla Girl seeds by Sweet Seeds

Sweet Seeds

    4/5 (2)

Gorilla Girl seeds by Sweet Seeds

Feminized Cannabis Seeds | Sativa | THC content >20% | High yield

Sweet Seeds

    4/5 (2)


Flowering Time
8 - 10 weeks
tall ▷▷▷ strong stretch
mostly sativa
Seed Type
photoperiod, feminized
large ▷▷▷ 500 - 600g per m²
Growth Area
warm outdoor climate,
temperate outdoor climate,
cool outdoor climate
THC Level
over 20%
Gorilla Glue x Girl Scout Cookies (Thin Mint cut)
29.90 EUR
incl. VAT, excl. shipping

Gorilla Girl | Sweet Seeds

Gorilla Girl by Sweet Seeds  is a hybrid created from the cross between two of the most legendary and potent cannabis strains from the USA, Gorilla Glue x Girl Scout Cookies.
The GSC (Girl Scout Cookies) specimen used consists of the phenotype known as "Thin Mint" - an indica-sativa hybrid with sativa dominance.
Gorilla Girl - potent and productive
The extremely high THC content of Gorilla Girl ranges between 20% - 31% which endows the cannabis strain with a tremendous psychoactive and relaxing effect. Some specimens can even exceed these levels. The resin production of this marijuana strain is rich and completely covers the calyxes of the aromatic trichomes. The buds present themselves very resinous and compact.
The aroma and flavor of Gorilla Girl are intense, infused with hints of cypress, wood, citrusy and earthy notes.
The plants are also very productive and vigorous, with long and supple side branches.
The central crown of Gorilla Girl becomes dense and heavy, its branching is rather light and its height reaches between 50 and 150 cm. After only 9 weeks of flowering, you can calculate up to 500 g per m2 indoors.
If you grow it outdoors, you should harvest it only from the end of September. In outdoor grow, the plant can reach a height of up to 250 cm! Its flexible and long branches will easily support the weight of the flowers. However, the use of supports can still be very helpful to optimize the strength of the plant. Each plant can yield up to 600 g and is more resinous than indoor growing. Have fun already with the great buds of Gorilla Girl!


by Katja S.

Date Added: 26 July, 2023

of 5 stars!

Wunderschöne 150 cm große Pflanze mit kräftigem Haupttrieb und etlichen Nebentrieben - nur hat sie bis dato keine einzige Blüte bekommen. Steht zusammen mit anderen Sorten, die ich nun bereits teilweise mit gutem Ertrag geerntet habe, im Gewächshaus

Linda Seeds sagt: Liebe Kundin. Diese Sorte ist nicht selbstblühend. Sie wird erst Anfang/Mitte August die ersten Blüten zeigen und dann gegen Ende September fertig sein.

by Michael Z.

Date Added: 16 March, 2023

of 5 stars!

Für mich einer der Besten Hanfsamen der letzten Jahre! Leicht anzubauen, sehr ertragreich und vor allem äußerst potent. Klare Empfehlung von mir persönlich.

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