Amnesia XXL seeds by Linda Seeds
Cannabis seeds recommendations | Cheap Cannabis Seeds | 3
5/5 (12)
warm outdoor climate
Amnesia XXL | Linda Seeds
Date Added: 21 August, 2018З>
of 5 stars!
bought 5 seeds, grew out 2 of them. Both had hermie issues. One had bananas, the other one a full blown male sack. Bananas were removed without them opening, but both plants have microseeds literally in every calyx. (not real seeds!)
LindaSeeds comments: We are very sorry to hear that your are not satified with our Amnesia. To be honest we don´t know how this can happen. Amnesia is one of our best selling strain and we never got any complains about it. Would be very interesting to hear what happend to the 3 seeds which are left. Please let us know if there are also any hermie issues.
Date Added: 17 January, 2018З>
of 5 stars!
sehr starkes weed. hab sie nach 10 wochen geerntet. extem verklebt. blüten waren nicht so riesen groß, dafür sehr kompakt und total harzig und schwer mit sehr gutem ertrag,
Date Added: 17 January, 2018З>
of 5 stars!
Hits hard but more of a body high than head. Love it.