Auto Wedding Cake seeds
Cannabis seeds recommendations | Cheap Cannabis Seeds | 3
5/5 (10)
warm outdoor climate,
temperate outdoor climate,
cool outdoor climate
Auto Wedding Cake | Linda Seeds
Maximum yield indoor and outdoor
High THC content makes a good stoned
Strain history
Date Added: 01 April, 2022З>
of 5 stars!
Growing 6 big leaves in the first 14 days since popping the seed , this one growing really quick this wil be a big yielder i feel. All germinated so far will update.
Date Added: 02 February, 2022З>
of 5 stars!
Update #2 My wedding cake seeds popped, I gave them an early deficiency but they still bounced back fine, for an auto thats very telling that the genetics are A+ Thank you Linda seeds for giving me a great deal just like every other customer you serve!
Date Added: 19 January, 2022З>
of 5 stars!
I may be jumping the gun here but I see very few reviews and I feel obligated to at least let people know I received my seeds very fast, and they all popped! Will come back with further results later. For now I am a very happy loyal customer.