Sunset Sherbet Samen von Linda Seeds
Hanfsamen Empfehlungen | Günstige Hanfsamen | 2
5/5 (11)
Sunset Sherbet | Linda Seeds
Top-Sorte aus Kalifornien mit hohem Ertrag
Sunset Sherbet verbreitet romanische Sonnenuntergangsstimmung
Euphorisierende Fruchtbrause, die Entspannung bei hohem THC Gehalt bringt
Datum hinzugefügt: 12.09.2022З>
von 5 Sternen!
Lovely colorful plant. Sweet indica stone. I like her.
Datum hinzugefügt: 26.04.2021З>
von 5 Sternen!
Really Nice! Not the largest yield, but super frosty, and that purple is definitely there to please your eyes! Very uniform as well! I am constantly surprised with Linda's own seeds, and I will keep buying them... not just because they are a great bargain, but because they are Really Good!!! I haven't had a bean that was a dud yet!! Keep up the good work Linda! I would love to see what you have next for us!!
Datum hinzugefügt: 26.04.2021З>
von 5 Sternen!
Really Nice! Not the largest yield, but super frosty, and that purple is definitely there to please your eyes! Very uniform as well! I am constantly surprised with Linda's own seeds, and I will keep buying them... not just because they are a great bargain, but because they are Really Good!!! I haven't had a bean that was a dud yet!! Keep up the good work Linda! I would love to see what you have next for us!!